# NAME Test::Mockingbird - Advanced mocking library for Perl with support for dependency injection and spies # VERSION Version 0.02 # SYNOPSIS use Test::Mockingbird; # Mocking Test::Mockingbird::mock('My::Module', 'method', sub { return 'mocked!' }); # Spying my $spy = Test::Mockingbird::spy('My::Module', 'method'); My::Module::method('arg1', 'arg2'); my @calls = $spy->(); # Get captured calls # Dependency Injection Test::Mockingbird::inject('My::Module', 'Dependency', $mock_object); # Unmocking Test::Mockingbird::unmock('My::Module', 'method'); # Restore everything Test::Mockingbird::restore_all(); # DESCRIPTION Test::Mockingbird provides powerful mocking, spying, and dependency injection capabilities to streamline testing in Perl. # METHODS ## mock($package, $method, $replacement) Mocks a method in the specified package. ## unmock($package, $method) Restores the original method for a mocked method. ## spy($package, $method) Spies on a method, tracking calls and arguments. ## inject($package, $dependency, $mock\_object) Injects a mock object for a dependency. ## restore\_all() Restores all mocked methods and dependencies to their original state.