Games/Backgammon version 0.04

This module helps to analyze and modelling backgammon games. 
Most routines are simple wrappers around the open source project gnubg
of Gary Wong.

Note that it is not finished yet and I'm currently working on the module.


To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install

You will need the Inline module and a C compiler as there are many routines
written in C.[A


This module requires these other modules and libraries:

   Inline            => 0.44,
   List::Util        => 1.07,
   Carp              => 0,
   Data::Dumper      => 0,

For testing also

   Test::More        => 0,
   Test::Differences => 0.45,
   Test::Exception   => 0.12,


Copyright (C) 2003 Janek Schleicher

This library is free software under the Gnu Public License.
Please read the COPYING file for details.