Test::MemoryGrowth - assert that code does not cause growth in memory


       use Test::More;
       use Test::MemoryGrowth;
       use Some::Class;
       no_growth {
          my $obj = Some::Class->new;
       } 'Constructing Some::Class does not grow memory';
       my $obj = Some::Class->new;
       no_growth {
       } 'Some::Class->do_thing does not grow memory';
       #### This test will fail ####
       my @list;
       no_growth {
          push @list, "Hello world";
       } 'pushing to an array does not grow memory';


    This module provides a function to check that a given block of code
    does not result in the process consuming extra memory once it has
    finished. Despite the name of this module it does not, in the strictest
    sense of the word, test for a memory leak: that term is specifically
    applied to cases where memory has been allocated but all record of it
    has been lost, so it cannot possibly be reclaimed. While the method
    employed by this module can detect such bugs, it can also detect cases
    where memory is still referenced and reachable, but the usage has grown
    more than would be expected or necessary.

    The block of code will be run a large number of times (by default
    10,000), and the difference in memory usage by the process before and
    after is compared. If the memory usage has now increased by more than
    one byte per call, then the test fails.

    In order to give the code a chance to load initial resources it needs,
    it will be run a few times first (by default 10); giving it a chance to
    load files, AUTOLOADs, caches, or any other information that it
    requires. Any extra memory usage here will not count against it.

    This simple method is not a guaranteed indicator of the absence of
    memory resource bugs from a piece of code; it has the possibility to
    fail in both a false-negative and a false-positive way.

    False Negative

      It is possible that a piece of code causes memory usage growth that
      this module does not detect. Because it only detects memory growth of
      at least one byte per call, it cannot detect cases of linear memory
      growth at lower rates than this. Most memory usage growth comes
      either from Perl-level or C-level bugs where memory objects are
      created at every call and not reclaimed again. (These are either
      genuine memory leaks, or needless allocations of objects that are
      stored somewhere and never reclaimed). It is unlikely such a bug
      would result in a growth rate smaller than one byte per call.

      A second failure case comes from the fact that memory usage is taken
      from the Operating System's measure of the process's Virtual Memory
      size, so as to be able to detect memory usage growth in C libraries
      or XS-level wrapping code, as well as Perl functions. Because Perl
      does not aggressively return unused memory to the Operating System,
      it is possible that a piece of code could use un-allocated but
      un-reclaimed memory to grow into; resulting in an increase in its
      requirements despite not requesting extra memory from the Operating

    False Positive

      It is possible that the test will claim that a function grows in
      memory, when the behaviour is in fact perfectly normal for the code
      in question. For example, the code could simply be some function
      whose behaviour is required to store extra state; for example, adding
      a new item into a list. In this case it is in fact expected that the
      memory usage of the process will increase.

    By careful use of this test module, false indications can be minimised.
    By splitting tests across many test scripts, each one can be started in
    a new process state, where most of the memory assigned from the
    Operating System is in use by Perl, so anything extra that the code
    requires will have to request more. This should reduce the false
    negative indications.

    By keeping in mind that the module simply measures the change in
    allocated memory size, false positives can be minimised, by not
    attempting to assert that certain pieces of code do not grow in memory,
    when in fact it would be expected that they do.

 Devel::Gladiator Integration

    Since version 0.04.

    If Devel::Gladiator is installed, this test module will use it as a
    second potential source of detecting memory growth. A walk of the Perl
    memory heap is taken before running the code, in order to count the
    number of every kind of object present. This is then compared to a
    second count taken afterwards. Any object types that have increased by
    at least one per call are reported.

    For example, the output might contain the following extra lines of
    diagnostic output:

       # Growths in arena object counts:
       #   ARRAY 1735 -> 11735 (1.00 per call)
       #   HASH 459 -> 10459 (1.00 per call)
       #   REF 1387 -> 21387 (2.00 per call)
       #   REF-ARRAY 163 -> 10163 (1.00 per call)
       #   REF-HASH 66 -> 10066 (1.00 per call)
       #   WithContainerSlots 10 -> 10010 (1.00 per call)

 Devel::MAT Integration

    If Devel::MAT is installed, this test module will use it to dump the
    state of the memory after a failure. It will create a .pmat file named
    the same as the unit test, but with the trailing .t suffix replaced
    with -TEST.pmat where TEST is the number of the test that failed (in
    case there was more than one). It will then run the code under test one
    more time, before writing another file whose name is suffixed with
    -TEST-after.pmat. This pair of files may be useful for differential



       no_growth { CODE } %opts, $name

    Assert that the code block does not consume extra memory.

    Takes the following named arguments:

    calls => INT

      The number of times to call the code during growth testing.

    burn_in => INT

      The number of times to call the code initially, before watching for
      memory usage.


      * Don't be Linux Specific

      Currently, this module uses a very Linux-specific method of
      determining process memory usage (namely, by inspecting
      /proc/self/status). This should really be fixed to some OS-neutral
      abstraction. Currently I am unaware of a simple portable mechanism to
      query this. Patches very much welcome. :)


    Paul Evans <>