Win32::Font::NameToFile - Return the name of a TrueType font file from a

            use Win32::Font::NameToFile qw(get_ttf_abs_path get_ttf_filename get_ttf_matching);
            use GD;
            use GD::Text::Wrap;

            #       using a simple, absolute path font description
            my $img = GD::image->new();
            my $gdtext = GD::Text::Wrap->new($img);
            $gdtext->set_font(get_ttf_abs_path('Palatino Linotype Bold Italic'), 12);
            #       using a simple font description with point size
            $gdtext->set_font(get_ttf_filename('Palatino Linotype Bold Italic 12');
            #       using a font description from a Perl/Tk Tk::Font object
            my $img = GD::image->new();
            my $gdtext = GD::Text::Wrap->new($img);
            #       using a partial font description
            my @fonts = get_ttf_matching('Palatino');
            $gdtext->set_font($fonts[1], 12)
                    if @fonts;

    Returns filenames for a TrueType font on Win32 platforms, using either a
    descriptive name, or a Perl/Tk Font object.

    If the name string does not end with a number, then returns a scalar
    string for either the absolute path (*for get_abs_path()*), or only the
    filename without any file qualifier (*for get_filename()*).

    Otherwise, for descriptive text names that end with a number, or for
    Perl/Tk Tk::Font objects, returns a list of the absolute path (*for
    get_abs_path()*), or the filename without any file qualifier (*for
    get_filename()*), and the point size of the font (useful to simplify
    calls to GD::Text::set_font()).

    Note that all methods are static *(i.e., class)* methods, and are

    get_ttf_abs_path( *font-description* | *Tk::Font object* )
        Returns the full path to the font file, as described above.

    get_ttf_filename( *font-description* | *Tk::Font object* )
        Returns the font filename, with any file qualifier removed, as
        described above.

    get_ttf_bold( *font-description* | *Tk::Font object* )
    get_ttf_italic( *font-description* | *Tk::Font object* )
    get_ttf_bold_italic( *font-description* | *Tk::Font object* )
        Returns true (as the absolute filename) if there is a version of the
        font that is bold, italic, or both.

    *@allfonts* = get_ttf_list()
        Returns a list of all available font descriptions. NOTE: the
        returned descriptions have been normalized to all lower case.

    *%allfonts* = get_ttf_map()
        Returns a list of all available (font description, filename) pairs
        (suitable for storing in a hash). NOTE: the returned descriptions
        have been normalized to all lower case, and the filenames are all
        upper case, and do not include the full path prefix.

    *%fonts* = get_ttf_matching($string)
        Returns a list of all available (font description, filename) pairs
        (suitable for storing in a hash) that begin with $string. NOTE: the
        returned descriptions have been normalized to all lower case, and
        the filenames are all upper case, and do not include the full path

    *   The font registry information is read once when the module is
        loaded, and the information is stored in a package variable.
        Therefore, any changes to the font registry after the package is
        loaded will not be reflected by the module until the application is

    *   Descriptive font naming can vary significantly, though in most cases
        the name is followed by the weight (if any) and then the slant (if
        any). As ever, YMMV.

    *   This module treats "Oblique" slant the same as italic.

    *   In order to normalize lookups, font names are stored internally in
        all lower case, and the file names are stored in all upper case.

    *   Some fonts do not have explicit fontfiles for their bold or italic
        versions, but are manipulated by other packages (e.g., Perl/Tk) to
        implement the weight or slant programmatically.

    *   Some fonts are hidden files, and thus may not show up in either the
        registry, or in the values return by this module.

    *   When using Perl/Tk Font objects, be aware that the returned size
        value depends on the "-size" value supplied when the font was
        created. If a positive "-size" was specified, then the size is in
        pixels; if negative, the size is in points. This module detects and
        negates the latter "-size"'s when returning the results. *Alas,
        there is no simple/perfect method for deriving points from pixels,
        so caution is advised.*

    *   The test suite assumes the usual Arial font types are available.


    Copyright(C) 2006, Dean Arnold, Presicient Corp., USA. All rights


    You may use this software under the same terms as Perl itself. See the
    Perl Artistic license for details.