CPAN::DistroBuilder - Create a distro from a bundle or a number of modules from CPAN

      % perl -MCPAN::DistroBuilder -webuild ApacheSDK 0.1 Bundle::Apache

      % perl -MCPAN::DistroBuilder -webuild CoolSDK 0.1 MD5 CGI

    This package does a very simple thing. It fetches the source packages
    from CPAN, using "" and puts them all into a single *tar.gz*
    package ready for distribution. This distribution package later can be
    installed in one command and therefore very useful for users who have to
    use our software, but know little or no Perl at all and don't know how
    to use CPAN shell to fetch and install all the required packages.
    Releasing Bundles and properly defining prerequisites in the CPAN
    modules is very important, and we go one step further to actually
    provide sort of SDK.

    This package relies on the locally working ""'s shell. If you
    didn't configure your "", do it before using this package. If
    normally "" works for you, this package should work too.

    Some packages' build is interactive (i.e. user input is expected).
    Therefore we use ""'s "inactivity_timeout" attribute to interrupt
    the awaiting for user's input after a few seconds, which works in *perl
    Makefile.PL* stage, but not during *make*. In the latter case you have
    to manually satisfy the requested input or interrupt it. Since here we
    completely rely on ""'s shell to do the right thing, there is not
    much we can do. Remember that we have to run "perl Makefile.PL" to
    extract the prerequisites. You can adjust the value of the
    "inactivity_timeout" attribute in "CPAN::DistroBuilderConfig".

    Unfortunately some packages define they own interactive methods which
    CPAN cannot skip automatically, in this case you have to manually answer
    the question.

    To package the packages or bundles *Foo* and *Bar* into a ready for
    distribution package *FooBar-0.2*, execute:

      % perl -MCPAN::DistroBuilder -webuild FooBar 0.2 Foo Bar

    this will create *FooBar-0.2.tar.gz* in the current directory.

    To install the contents of the created distribution package, run:

      % tar -xzvf FooBar-0.2.tar.gz
      % cd FooBar-0.2
      % perl Makefile.PL && make && make test && make install

    The last command will go through all the source packages and run:

      % perl Makefile.PL && make && make test && make install

    in every one. You may need to do the "make install" part as a root user
    if the files need to be installed system-wide.

    When the packages are fetches from CPAN they are saved in the
    *distro-build* directory (or a different one if you override the
    "build_dir" attribute in "CPAN::DistroBuilderConfig") created at the
    current directory. This directory is cleaned up automatically on the
    next invocation of the this tool, if invoked from the same directory.

    Notice that the build process is logged to the *make.out* file in the
    current directory.

    As a side-effect of using "" is that it creates the *.cpan*
    directory in the current directory where it downloads the index files
    and the modules source packages.

    Stas Bekman <>

    Inspired by Doug MacEachern <>

    The "CPAN::DistroBuilder" module is free software; you can redistribute
    it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.