diff --git c/lib/Tk/PlotDataset.pm w/lib/Tk/PlotDataset.pm
index f8d7e9c..59c9681 100644
--- c/lib/Tk/PlotDataset.pm
+++ w/lib/Tk/PlotDataset.pm
@@ -156,7 +156,8 @@ This option can be used to override the default format strings, as used by
 sprintf, to generate the tick labels on the x-axis. In linear mode the default
 is '%.3g', in log mode '1e%3.2d' will be used for values less than zero and
 '1e+%2.2d' will be used for values of zero or more. If you override this
-format, it will apply to all values in all modes of the x-axis.
+format, it will apply to all values in all modes of the x-axis. It is also possible
+to supply a code reference, which will take the x value as argument.
 =item -yTickFormat
@@ -164,7 +165,8 @@ This option can be used to override the default format strings, as used by
 sprintf, to generate the tick labels on the y-axis. In linear mode the default
 is '%.3g', in log mode '1e%3.2d' will be used for values less than zero and
 '1e+%2.2d' will be used for values of zero or more. If you override this
-format, it will apply to all values in all modes of the y-axis.
+format, it will apply to all values in all modes of the y-axis. It is also possible
+to supply a code reference, which will take the y value as argument.
 =item -y1TickFormat
@@ -173,7 +175,8 @@ sprintf, to generate the tick labels on the y1-axis. In linear mode the default
 is '%.3g', in log mode '1e%3.2d' will be used for values less than zero and
 '1e+%2.2d' will be used for values of zero or more. If you override this
 format, it will apply to all values in all modes of the y1-axis. The y1-axis
-ticks will only be displayed if there are datasets using the y1-axis.
+ticks will only be displayed if there are datasets using the y1-axis. It is also possible
+to supply a code reference, which will take the y value as argument.
 =item -balloons
@@ -1033,8 +1036,12 @@ sub _create_plot_axis  # start and end point of the axis, other args a => b
   my $tick = delete $args{-tick};
   my $label = delete $args{-label};
-  my $tick_format = delete $args{-tickFormat};
-  $tick_format = '%.3g' unless $tick_format;
+  my $tick_format_sub = do
+  {
+    my $tick_format = delete $args{-tickFormat};
+    $tick_format = '%.3g' unless $tick_format;
+    ref $tick_format eq 'CODE' ? $tick_format : sub { sprintf $tick_format, $_[0] };
+  };
   my ($do_tick, $do_label) = map {ref $_ eq 'ARRAY'} ($tick, $label);
   $self -> createLine($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, %args);
@@ -1118,7 +1125,7 @@ sub _create_plot_axis  # start and end point of the axis, other args a => b
           $self -> createText
-            $x1 - $tl, $y2 - $z, -text => sprintf($tick_format, $l),
+            $x1 - $tl, $y2 - $z, -text => $tick_format_sub->($l),
             %args, -fill => $tcolor,
             -font => $tfont, -anchor => $an,
@@ -1127,7 +1134,7 @@ sub _create_plot_axis  # start and end point of the axis, other args a => b
           $self -> createText
-            $z + $x1, $y1 + $tl, -text => sprintf($tick_format, $l),
+            $z + $x1, $y1 + $tl, -text => $tick_format_sub->($l),
             %args, -fill => $tcolor,
             -font => $tfont, -anchor => $an,
@@ -2793,7 +2800,11 @@ sub _log_range  # min, max
   #   for values less than zero and '1e+%2.2d' will be used for values of zero
   #   or more.
   my ($self, $min, $max, %args) = @_;
-  my $tick_format = delete $args{-tickFormat};
+  my $tick_format_sub = do
+  {
+    my $tick_format = delete $args{-tickFormat};
+    ref $tick_format eq 'CODE' ? $tick_format : $tick_format ? sub { sprintf $tick_format, $_[0] } : undef;
+  };
   unless (defined($min) and defined($max))
@@ -2823,9 +2834,9 @@ sub _log_range  # min, max
     my $n = 10.0 ** $t;
     # print "_log_range: <$n> <$t>\n";
-    if ($tick_format)
+    if ($tick_format_sub)
-      $f = sprintf($tick_format, $t);
+      $f = $tick_format_sub->($t);
     elsif ($t < 0)