NAME WebService::Bukget - Provides access to the v3 Bukget API VERSION version 1.00 SYNOPSIS use WebService::Bukget; my $bukget = WebService::Bukget->new(); my $authors = $bukget->authors; NAME WebService::Bukget - A module that allows easy access to the Bukget API CALLING CONVENTIONS All methods used to access Bukget endpoints expect you to pass at the very least a hashref with the following keys: * on_success - A coderef that gets the WebService::Bukget instance and the decoded JSON result as parameters * on_failure - A coderef that gets an arrayref of code and status as parameters Optionally you can pass another key called "params" which should be a hashref of parameters to pass to the get request. See the examples below for more information, and also see the API documentation at METHODS geninfo Maps to the "geninfo" endpoint categories Maps to the "categories" endpoint plugins Maps to the "plugins" endpoint authors Maps to the "authors" endpoint EXAMPLES # Fetch the latest geninfo $bukget->geninfo({ on_success => sub { my ($b, $r) = (@_); print 'Last updated: ', $r->[0]->{timestamp}, "\n"; }, on_failure => sub { die 'oops, '; }, }); # Fetch the latest 5 geninfo entries $bukget->geninfo({ params => { size => 5 }, on_success => sub { my ($b, $r) = (@_); print 'Last updated: ', $_->{timestamp}, "\n" for(@$r); }, on_failure => sub { die 'oops, '; }, }); # Fetch the first page of plugins from the 'Admin Tools' category, # using 10 items per page, and only fetching the slug, logo and game version fields $bukget->categories('Admin Tools' => { params => { size => 10, start => 0, fields => [qw/slug logo versions.game_version/], }, on_success => sub { my ($b, $r) = (@_); ... }, on_failure => sub { die 'oops, '; }, }); TO-DO$ * Clean up the code some since it's rather ugly * Add support for the search function in the Bukget API AUTHOR Ben van Staveren, "" BUGS/CONTRIBUTING Please report any bugs or feature requests through the web interface at . You can fork my Git repository at if you want to make changes or supply me with patches. LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2012 Ben van Staveren. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information. AUTHOR Ben van Staveren COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Ben van Staveren. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.